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Jeff Case Retires After Four Decades Serving Highlands Ranch Water

Post Date:01/19/2024 3:37 PM

Jeff Case, Director of Public Works & Engineering for both the Highlands Ranch Metro District and Highlands Ranch Water & Sanitation District, has retired after serving the Highlands Ranch community for more than four decades. Case began working on the development of Highlands Ranch in 1981, and has been instrumental in planning, building, and more recently maintaining the community’s infrastructure for 43 years.

Few people have left their mark on Highlands Ranch like Case. Under his leadership, the community has transformed from a vision to a thriving, successful home to more than 103,000 people.

“Highlands Ranch has benefited from Jeff’s skills, attention to detail, and personal knowledge of our community’s planning and infrastructure since it was founded. We owe much of our success to him,” said Metro District General Manager Stephanie Stanley. “We will miss him, but we wish him all the best in his next chapter.”

Case led the master planning of the Metro District’s local outdoor recreation system in the early 1980s, which interconnected the popular park and trail system. He coordinated the Lucent interchange off C-470 and led renovation of the historic Highlands Ranch Mansion from 2010-2012.

“Jeff was literally here from the start, working day in and day out with the vision to make sure our community had the best possible water and wastewater systems for the first 40 years – and the next 40 years,” said Highlands Ranch Water General Manager Sam Calkins. “We will continue to see his legacy every day in the projects he built to turn Highlands Ranch from a plan on a map into the vibrant community we enjoy today.”

One of Case’s major contributions to Highlands Ranch Water was leading his staff in the design and construction of the community’s major water and sewer infrastructure system. Responding to the challenges of a growing community, Highlands Ranch Water’s engineering team partnered with the finance staff to develop Colorado’s first water budget billing system, led the design and construction of a conjunctive use water supply system of wells with an aquifer storage and recovery system, and are now tackling the challenges of renovation and upgrades to a 40-year-old infrastructure system.

The Metro District and Highlands Ranch Water Boards of Directors and staff thank Jeff for his many years of service to building our community and wish him a rewarding retirement.